Alright. It has been a while. Needless to say, in 2007 our lives were tossed around like the boat in the Perfect Storm movie, except for the fact that we survived the "money shot" mega wave and came out the other side of it badly bruised and disheveled... dripping in nasty seaweed... dazed and confused... but alive nevertheless. What happened? How did we end up in rural Sonoma County scaring off critters in a HUUUUGE victorian country house? Where did the time go?
2007; I was pregnant and homeless, couch surfing, commuting long distances to work and wondering how in the hell we got into the mess we were in. I won't go into details, since it might be a legal case, but let's just say that conditions were less than ideal.
The nightmare ended on the happiest of notes with FINALLY finding shelter (and a magnificent shelter it is!!) and the birth of our beautiful baby girl, Sophie Amelie. What a sigh of relied she is to me. Affy and I lucked out with Leo and Sophie. Alls well that ends well.

I have much to say, but just wanted to get back in the ring with a few words on my current love affairs....

Life sucks the love out of me
in a good way
while Leo blows his first spitball
"those are called spitballs Leo
and they are a little bit naughty"
And the little boy gives his new sister
too many kisses "I love you!" he squeaks
In a high pitched attempt to get her smile
"I'm your big brover and I love you"
and the tiny, red mohawked baby
contorts her face and squawks
"Remember the rule Leo, only 2 kisses at
a time" Rules shmules...
He continues to kiss and kiss and kiss
and she squawks and squawks and squawks
And the noise fills up the entire universe
"I'm your big brover and I love you!!"

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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